Movie Night
Movie is picked in advanced, the kids will get to move mats to create their own lounging situation. After the movie, kids will get a slice of pizza, soda and popcorn.

Craft Night
Includes a quick warm up
30 minutes structured gymnastics
15 minutes free time
45 minutes crafts
15 minutes snack and clean up

Game Night
Games Include:
Hide And Go Seek.,
Volley Ball,
Lovers Leap,
and Color Tag.

Nerf Night
You bring the Nerf Blasters
We supply the Darts
Players will be broken up into teams
Round played until last team standing or 10 minutes has lapsed
Teams will be eliminated, Tournament Style

Silly Olympics
Takes Place on April 1st,
​Participants can expect to engage in modified versions of traditional Olympic sports as well as unique, imaginative activities that will make the event truly entertaining and memorable.